Thank you for your response John!
Revelations or the Revelation of Jesus Christ, contain those revelations given to John in the form of visions to show him things or events “which must soon take place.” Don’t you think that the book mentioned in Revelations (5:5) which only the Lion of Judah, the Root of David is worthy to open is the same book that Daniel was asked to seal in Daniel 12:4? But if you don’t believe the veracity of the Revelations then you will not find any sense in whatever I quote from it.
Since these many published English Bible versions contained titles, chapters, and verses numbering, which of course were not there originally, based on these Bibles that contained numbering I addressed my article.
You made a point. No man alive on earth can really claim they have seen the scriptures Moses and the Prophets originally wrote. None can tell whether those verses I listed were there or not in the original, I mean the original texts written directly from the speaking of God. They may have been added or removed depending on which source each English version was translated from.
Perhaps you can look at those verses one by one and consider whose side benefits, supposed they were added or supposed they were removed. God’s side or God’s adversary’s side?
I hope to write a follow-up article to address these comments. God bless you.